The Affiliate People Ltd offers & reviewss

"Our core areas of expertise are email affiliate marketing and merchant account management. Our network contains a pool of high quality email affiliates with a great track record of delivering sales conversion for merchants' affiliate marketing programs. \nOur strength in this area gives us the ability to run successful email affiliate marketing campaigns without compromising the client's objectives and values. Affiliate marketing through email is an extremely powerful sales tool when used correctly. We know how to run affiliate marketing email campaigns as they should be run. \n\nEffective affiliate program management drives affiliate marketing success. We deliver this though strict campaign management processes. Our first task is always to gain a crystal-clear understanding of our merchant's objectives and concerns. We use this understanding to create and agree measurable affiliate program metrics. These agreed metrics then form the campaign parameters for affiliate marketing activity on the network. A full knowledge of merchant requirements allows us to transmit those requirements to affiliates so that we have buy-in and acceptance of the affiliate program parameters by everyone involved in the affiliate marketing effort. "

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