Krishbha Rajput
Krishbha Rajput

Global advertising and CPA affiliate network with a unique Partner Care approach.


With Adsterra, you monetize any traffic, from a small blog to APK files or social traffic. You don't even need a website to start making a profit with display ads. AI algorithms will choose the most competitive CPM rates along with relevant ad content.

Superfast approval and easy start Regular payouts with a $5 min withdrawal Extra income with Referral Program Affiliates

Adsterra CPA Network is a source of high-paying offers from reputable advertisers. We deliver risk-free, superfast payouts to affiliates and provide them with a full range of money-saving tools like backlinks and postbacks.

First-class offers that proved to convert Transparent regular payments Dedicated managers for trusted affiliates Advertisers

Adsterra is a powerful ad platform for brands, agencies, solo marketers, and media buyers. With over 20 targeting settings, you deliver your ads to the best-matching audiences. Unlock high-quality CPM, CPC, and CPA traffic from 20K+ direct publishers.

Genuine traffic that converts Robust ad formats with CTRs of up to 30% A-class support and expert managers


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